What's happening right now:
Bookmark this link and check back often for the latest information on neighborhood events. From safety concerns (ie. vandalism reports, break-ins, etc.) to social gatherings to updates on neighborhood initiatives (ie. Kirn Park project, brick street repairs, lighting, etc.), we'll try to keep you up-to-date as information is available. Check the "Newsletter" page for the latest issue and a MORE COMPHREHENSIVE news listing! Please contact Cory Peters if you have news that should be posted here. Thank you!
GIBRALTAR'S "PAR" OFFICER ("Police Area Representative")
For non-emergency concerns, contact the PAR officer assigned to our region:
Daniel Stuck
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 712-328-4961
For non-emergency concerns, contact the PAR officer assigned to our region:
Daniel Stuck
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 712-328-4961
WE NEED YOU to Get Involved!
YOU want a neighborhood that’s attractive and safe… YOU want a neighborhood that’s active and engaged… YOU want to experience a feeling of community and connectedness… YOU NEED TO GET INVOLVED!
You are invited to make a difference by getting more involved with the Gibraltar Neighborhood Association. Elections will be held for the GNA Board at our neighborhood holiday party in January! Multiple board positions will be open. Current board members will provide guidance in your new position. It’s not a large time commitment and it is more fun than work. Meet more of your wonderful neighbors and work with City & Civic leaders and other neighborhoods! We have a planning meeting every other where we make decisions about events and issues that impact the neighborhood. In the past, the Board has planned numerous holiday parties, our quarter auction fund-raiser, luminarias at Christmastime, writing articles for the newsletter, the clean-up and beautification of the Fairmount Park Trail Head at the top of 9th Ave, litter pick up, dumpster days, etc…
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gibraltar Supports the Food Pantry
I would like to give a HUGE thanks to our generous Gibraltar neighbors! The GNA was excited to present Josh (Director of the Story Street Food Pantry) with a monetary donation of $350, which were funds collected from our neighborhood over the past few months. We also collected over 125 lbs of pantry items and 50 lbs of pet food & treats, all donated from our June GNA picnic. Many of you know how passionate I am for the success of the pantry, and what a great resource it is for our community. There are always people in need, so check out their website for a list of frequently-requested items. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, or have a donations. Simply contact me and I will arrange to pick up from your home and get it delivered to the pantry. Thanks again, for being AWESOME neighbors! -- Brian (GNA Prez)
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See the July 2023 issue of the Rock Talk Newsletter for more info on:
MARCH 11, 2023: Social Breakfast and More!
WHAT: Coffee (or Cocktails) and Breakfast! (and meeting!)
WHEN: Saturday March 11, 2023 // 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
WHERE:4th Street Bar & Grill, 716 S. 4th Street
WHO: Renters, owners, association and non-association members, and well-behaved children are warmly welcome!
Come socialize with your neighbors, enjoy a delicious breakfast, and MORE! 4th Street Bar & Grill has a variety of hot and tasty breakfast offerings at really affordable prices! Pair that with a hot coffee or adult beverage from the bar. Gibraltar will provide a variety of donuts for your sweet-tooth! Come hang out, socialize for a bit, and share some laughs! PLUS…..
!!!! IMPORTANT !!!! Council Bluffs is considering new re-zoning ordinances that will impact our neighborhood!! Come hear Steve Gorman discuss the issues, what the City is proposing, how it could impact Gibraltar, and what we need to do! PLUS…..
BOARD MEETING !!!! Your Gibraltar Board will hold a board meeting at 9:00 a.m. Come meet the Board, learn what plans are in the works, what challenges we’re facing, & more.
August 13, 2022: Neighborhood Picnic!
WHAT: Gibraltar Street Party & Family Picnic
WHEN: Saturday AUGUST 13 // 4:00pm to ??
WHERE: The top of Clark Avenue
WHO: Anyone who likes to have fun!
IT’S ALWAYS A BLAST at our neighborhood family potluck picnic! Come one, come all and please bring the Kiddos!! We’ll have games, music, and hopefully a visit from the Fire Dept. and/or Police Dept. Your Gibraltar Neighborhood Association will provide the Main Dish Meat, along with lemonade & water, plates, cups, and utensils. You bring your favorite side dish or dessert to share! (Coolers with your own preferred beverages are also encouraged) We have the 712 Block Party Trailer reserved, so there will be plenty of tables and chairs for your comfort.
** RSVP by August 10th so we know how many tables to set up! Email your RSVP (and how many are attending) to Jill ([email protected]) or Michele ([email protected]).
1. Quarter Auction Fundraiser
Mark your calendar for the 2022 FUN event we all look forward to each year… the Quarter Auction!! SATURDAY, OCT 15th, 2022!
More info to come in future Rock Talk issues.
2. Neighborhood HOLIDAY Party
Keep the holiday spirit alive as we gather with our neighbors! SATURDAY, JAN. 7th, 2023! We’ll be hosting a food drive in conjunction
with the party. More info to come in future Rock Talk issues.
Dec: 2021 - Get Involved! WE NEED YOU!
YOU want a neighborhood that’s attractive and safe… YOU want a neighborhood that’s active and engaged… YOU want to experience a feeling of community & connectedness… YOU NEED TO GET INVOLVED!
Please join US! It is a lot of fun! You are invited to make a difference by getting more involved with the Gibraltar Neighborhood Association. In January 2022, elections will be held for the GNA Board. We are seeking candidates for the board positions. The Board positions that will be open are: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two at-large board member positions. Please consider this great opportunity to make new friends, interact with civic leaders and benefit your neighborhood. THANK YOU!
Join us for some delicious brunch food and conversation. Let’s make new friends, reconnect with old friends, share uplifting news and lots of laughs!
Who: All ladies in the Gibraltar Neighborhood (you don't have to be a member of the association!)
When: Saturday, January 15, 9:00am to 11:00am
Where: Cory Peters' House, 214 5th Ave., Council Bluffs, IA 51503
>>>>Please Bring: A breakfast item to share (main dish egg casserole, coffee & tea will be provided)
>>>>RSVP: To Cory Peters via text 402-681-8344 or or email [email protected]
With the abundance of business closings and layoffs, many folks are hurting right now. The Gibraltar Neighborhood is supporting the Public Food Pantry located at Our Savior's Lutheran Church by hosting weekly food drives. Simply box or bag up your donations of non-perishable items and drop them on your front porch on SUNDAY. Then call or text Steve Gorman at 712-310-9431. He'll swing by and pick up your donation (no contact needed!!) and will deliver to the Food Pantry on Monday. We thank you for helping those in need!
Many of you will remember the successful luminaria-building event we had three years ago. Since this has been such a tough year for folks, and since we were unable to hold our normal fundraising event this year, and since it’s not advisable to host our annual neighborhood holiday party… we decided it would be a great year to do it again and to bring a bit of holiday spirit our neighborhood with the warm glow of luminarias!!
WHAT: coffee, cocoa & cookies at a socially-distanced outdoor get-together (& luminaria pick-up!)
WHEN: SUNDAY afternoon, Dec. 13th, 2020 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
WHERE: Driveway at 241 5th Avenue (corner of 5th Ave & 3rd Street)
COST #1: FREE cocoa/cookies//holiday tunes -- Stop by with your bag chair and let’s catch up! We’ll have heaters running in the garage if it’s a cold day.
COST #2: $1.00 each for luminaria bags
Luminarias are non-flammable and include the bag, sand, and a flickering battery-operated candle (it’s the same candle brand we used three years ago — and they stayed lit for weeks!!!) >>>>> GNA Members: buy 20, get 5 FREE! <<<<< You can pre-pay on the website, or pay at pick up!
Supplies are limited! Pre-order and pay for your luminaria here. Enter your payment amount and add a note indicating the quantity you want.
Prefer to email in your order? Have Questions? Email Cory at [email protected].
We have lots of homes up for sale OR recently sold (and MAN are they moving like hot-cakes... it's definitely a seller's market!). Be sure to keep an eye out and give our new neighbors a friendly welcome to Gibraltar! To our departing friends - WE WILL MISS YOU!!
Several of your Gibraltar leaders and volunteers would like to be of service. Wild and unsightly grass and weeds are proliferating between our beloved brick streets and the curbs. A team has been organized to trim this back and then stifle future unwanted growth with environmentally-friendly weed and grass killer.
We want to emphasize that we will only be trimming and treating the confluence of the curbs and streets. We will not intervene beyond that.
If you have any questions or would request that we do not treat your street/curb confluence, please contact Tom Emmett at 402-346-6734 or at [email protected]. If you would like to participate in this act of good will, please let Tom know. Together, we can make our neighborhood all
the more beautiful! Thank you.
With an abundance of caution, all future meetings and gatherings within the Gibraltar neighborhood have been postponed until such time as an "all clear" directive is delivered. We have reached out to the elderly (those of whom we know, anyway) in our 'hood and asked how we can be of help. Please take it upon yourself to safely be of service to your neighbors who may be in need!! Some of us are impacted by this more than others, as families may be struggling with a lack of income or other new challenges. PLEASE BE KIND. PLEASE BE SAFE. We look forward to the end of this situation (hopefully coming sooner rather than later!) when we can once again gather as neighbors and friends!! Thank you!
A collaboration among many different people and entities, this 100-foot wide mural highlights many of our City's famous landmarks, historical figures, and Gibraltar residents - both past and present. Located on the south side of the Pott. County Genealogical Society building on Worth Street, in between South 4th and South Main. If you haven't seen it yet, check it out! Here's a great article from the local newspaper:
And here's a nice video recognition from the Mayor!
If you've never attended the Gibraltar Quarter Auction, you're missing a really fun time!! For less than $10, you have the chance to win some really amazing items!! It's part auction, part raffle, and ALL fun! Read the August 2019 newsletter (see the "Newsletter" tab) for more specific information on how it works. But mark your calendar NOW so you don't forget... it's a blast!
When: Friday night, October 18th
Where: The American Legion Rainbow Post #2 - 716 South 4th Street, CB // Bidding Starts at 6:15pm
What: Auction/Raffle of fun items, along with inexpensinve food and cocktails provided by the Legion!
FALL PICNIC - Sunday, September 15th, 2019!
It's a potluck picnic!! Your neighborhood association will provide the yummy fried chicken, you bring a side dish or dessert to share!
When: Sunday, September 15th
Meeting time: 4:00 -- 4:30 pm || Picnic, games and socializing: 4:30 - 7:00 pm
Where: Kirn Park - at the top of 5th Avenue
BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY!! There's great playground equipment at Kirn, and we'll have fun and games with the block party trailer. LOTS of good food (Gibraltar residents are fantastic cooks!!), and a relaxing place to enjoy a fall afternoon. SEE YOU THERE!!
ICE CREAM SOCIAL & MEETING - July 10th, 2019!
In celebration of the Dodge House’s 150th Anniversary, we are hosting a special event in conjunction with our July Meeting!
When: Wednesday, July 10th
Meeting time: 5:30 — 6:00 pm || Tour & Ice Cream: 6:00—7:30 pm
Where: The Dodge House, 605 3rd Street
Your Gibraltar Neighborhood Association has made a donation to the Dodge House in honor of their momentous 150th Anniversary, and the Dodge House has kindly agreed to let our meeting attendees tour the house for free after our meeting! PLUS, before or after your house tour, enjoy a FREE ice cream treat on the Dodge House front porch, courtesy of your Gibraltar Neighborhood Association! Come to the meeting (news, discussion, voice your concerns, etc.), then tour the AMAZING Dodge House! PLUS, enjoy a summer ice cream treat while you get to know your neighbors!
FIREWORKS ORDINANCE - Follow the rules (and avoid a $250 fine!)
I think we can all agree that celebrating our Nation’s independence is a wonderful thing! And, for most folks, fireworks are a blast (literally and figuratively)! But, there are LAWS on fireworks use, and we need to observe them. Last year’s 4th of July holiday definitely presented many challenges. Gibraltar neighbors were frustrated by ongoing late night and mid-week explosions, disrupting sleep patterns and causing distress for pets and for those affected by PTSD. City-wide, the police department reported a record number of complaints. These non-compliant fireworks also pose added fire risks and property damage risks.
Neighborhood Par Officer Daniel Stuck encourages us to call 911 and REPORT these instances (whether or not you expect that police will catch culprits in the act) - - the more complaints and reports they get, the more “hard evidence” they have for the need of additional enforcements or regulations regarding fireworks rules. Also, if possible, safely record video evidence of infractions and/or perpetrators. Law enforcement is actively seeking to cite & ticket any offenders when possible, and fines are hefty (a minimum of $250!).
ALLOWED DATES for fireworks use: As of the writing of this article (late May) - the City Council had not yet decided the allowed days for fireworks use in 2019. The proposal currently being considered is for three days: July 4, 5 & 6 (Thurs/Fri/Sat), from NOON to 11:00 p.m. This is not official and is published here only to reiterate the fact that discharging fireworks at any time other than immediately around the holiday IS ILLEGAL. You may feel like it’s a harmless bit of fun, but for some people (and many animals), it is very traumatic. Should you choose to discharge fire-works during non-approved days/times, your neighbors have the right to report you. Thank you!
Celebrate our region's rich railroad heritage and all things train and track at Railroad Days 2019, July 13 and 14 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The fun-filled weekend gives families the opportunity to explore the exhibits and collections at five of the area's railroad-themed attractions, all at one low price. Available for purchase at any participating venue during the event, one $15 pass admits two adults and your dependent children or two grandparents and up to four grandchildren, for both days to five different attractions!! A $5 pass is also available for one additional adult with purchase of a family pass (limit one). This includes transportation between the different locations and all the special activities that each location has to offer. A great experience for all ages!
For more information, visit www.omaharailroaddays.com. You can purchase tickets the day of the event at any of the participating attractions:
To help keep our neighborhood beautiful, it's that time of year again for a neighborhood & trailhead cleanup! This year we will be focusing on the Fairmount Park Trailhead located at 9th Ave and High Street.
GNA will also be providing a dumpster (at the same location) for neighbors to dispose of any unwanted and/or bulky items (Please none of the following: tires, chemicals, asbestos, dump trucks full of concrete, unknown trash bags from the mob...etc). We’ll have volunteers available to come pick up and haul away. Servefest will once again be providing volunteers to our neighborhood for our annual clean up. But, WE NEED YOUR HELP TOO!
When: Saturday, May 4th from 8 AM to Noon (12 PM)
Where: Fairmount Park Trailhead at 9th Ave & High Street (Dumpster located there as well).
If you would like to volunteer and/or need assistance with hauling an item to the dumpster please contact Turner Morgan ([email protected]) or 712-310-3102.
Sunday, December 2nd: Gibraltar Neighborhood Holiday Social Potluck!!!
Where: Jim & Gary's House: 125 S. 3rd Street (North end of 3rd at High School) || 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Enjoy food, fun and camaraderie as we celebrate the season with friends and neighbors! Jim Kieffer and Gary Lopez have graciously offered their beautiful home for our get-together. Your neighborhood association will provide pulled pork sandwiches, and could you please bring a side dish or dessert to share?
PLEASE RSVP by Nov. 26th so we know how much pork to order! Contact Turner Morgan at 712-310-3102.
Friday, October 19th: FUN-draiser! Don't miss our Quarter Auction event!
Where: The American Legion Rainbow Post #2, 716 So. 4th Street || 5:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Bring the family and friends and join in the fun at our annual GNA Quarter Auction!! This is the third year we’ve held this event, and it just keeps getting better each year! There will be a wide range of items for auction, ranging in values of $10 to $30, and you could win that item you desire for mere quarters! You’ll find a variety of services & packages, food & beverage gifts, bath & beauty products, antiques, collectibles, homemade products, and so much more! There’s something for everyone!
What’s a “Quarter Auction” you ask? It sort of combines the best of both worlds… the fun and excitement of an auction, with the random chance of a lottery drawing! You have the opportunity to win great prizes without spending a lot of money! We begin the “bidding” process for each item with a description of the item, and announce the number of quarters required to participate/bid in that drawing. The number of quarters needed is based on the approximate value of the auction item itself, as follows: >> 1 quarter for $10 item value; 2 quarters for a $20 item value; 3 quarters for $30 item value.
Bidding paddles are only $5.00 each, and you can increase your odds of winning by purchasing more than one bidding paddle. We’ll explain everything in detail that evening, but rest assured it’s easy, it’s fun, it’s relatively inexpensive, and all the money you spend that night either supports the neighborhood or the American Legion! You can purchase rolls of quarters at the event, or bring your own!
FOOD & BEVERAGES will be for sale, with those proceeds supporting the American Legion. Auction proceeds support Gibraltar projects that keep our historic Neighborhood vital!
YOU want a neighborhood that’s attractive and safe… YOU want a neighborhood that’s active and engaged… YOU want to experience a feeling of community and connectedness… YOU NEED TO GET INVOLVED!
You are invited to make a difference by getting more involved with the Gibraltar Neighborhood Association. Elections will be held for the GNA Board at our neighborhood holiday party in January! Multiple board positions will be open. Current board members will provide guidance in your new position. It’s not a large time commitment and it is more fun than work. Meet more of your wonderful neighbors and work with City & Civic leaders and other neighborhoods! We have a planning meeting every other where we make decisions about events and issues that impact the neighborhood. In the past, the Board has planned numerous holiday parties, our quarter auction fund-raiser, luminarias at Christmastime, writing articles for the newsletter, the clean-up and beautification of the Fairmount Park Trail Head at the top of 9th Ave, litter pick up, dumpster days, etc…
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gibraltar Supports the Food Pantry
I would like to give a HUGE thanks to our generous Gibraltar neighbors! The GNA was excited to present Josh (Director of the Story Street Food Pantry) with a monetary donation of $350, which were funds collected from our neighborhood over the past few months. We also collected over 125 lbs of pantry items and 50 lbs of pet food & treats, all donated from our June GNA picnic. Many of you know how passionate I am for the success of the pantry, and what a great resource it is for our community. There are always people in need, so check out their website for a list of frequently-requested items. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, or have a donations. Simply contact me and I will arrange to pick up from your home and get it delivered to the pantry. Thanks again, for being AWESOME neighbors! -- Brian (GNA Prez)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
See the July 2023 issue of the Rock Talk Newsletter for more info on:
- DUMPSTER DAYS for Gibraltar Neighborhood: July 15-16, 2023
- NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE: August 11 & 12, 2023
- SEPTEBMER 8: Cocktails and Garden Party
MARCH 11, 2023: Social Breakfast and More!
WHAT: Coffee (or Cocktails) and Breakfast! (and meeting!)
WHEN: Saturday March 11, 2023 // 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
WHERE:4th Street Bar & Grill, 716 S. 4th Street
WHO: Renters, owners, association and non-association members, and well-behaved children are warmly welcome!
Come socialize with your neighbors, enjoy a delicious breakfast, and MORE! 4th Street Bar & Grill has a variety of hot and tasty breakfast offerings at really affordable prices! Pair that with a hot coffee or adult beverage from the bar. Gibraltar will provide a variety of donuts for your sweet-tooth! Come hang out, socialize for a bit, and share some laughs! PLUS…..
!!!! IMPORTANT !!!! Council Bluffs is considering new re-zoning ordinances that will impact our neighborhood!! Come hear Steve Gorman discuss the issues, what the City is proposing, how it could impact Gibraltar, and what we need to do! PLUS…..
BOARD MEETING !!!! Your Gibraltar Board will hold a board meeting at 9:00 a.m. Come meet the Board, learn what plans are in the works, what challenges we’re facing, & more.
August 13, 2022: Neighborhood Picnic!
WHAT: Gibraltar Street Party & Family Picnic
WHEN: Saturday AUGUST 13 // 4:00pm to ??
WHERE: The top of Clark Avenue
WHO: Anyone who likes to have fun!
IT’S ALWAYS A BLAST at our neighborhood family potluck picnic! Come one, come all and please bring the Kiddos!! We’ll have games, music, and hopefully a visit from the Fire Dept. and/or Police Dept. Your Gibraltar Neighborhood Association will provide the Main Dish Meat, along with lemonade & water, plates, cups, and utensils. You bring your favorite side dish or dessert to share! (Coolers with your own preferred beverages are also encouraged) We have the 712 Block Party Trailer reserved, so there will be plenty of tables and chairs for your comfort.
** RSVP by August 10th so we know how many tables to set up! Email your RSVP (and how many are attending) to Jill ([email protected]) or Michele ([email protected]).
1. Quarter Auction Fundraiser
Mark your calendar for the 2022 FUN event we all look forward to each year… the Quarter Auction!! SATURDAY, OCT 15th, 2022!
More info to come in future Rock Talk issues.
2. Neighborhood HOLIDAY Party
Keep the holiday spirit alive as we gather with our neighbors! SATURDAY, JAN. 7th, 2023! We’ll be hosting a food drive in conjunction
with the party. More info to come in future Rock Talk issues.
Dec: 2021 - Get Involved! WE NEED YOU!
YOU want a neighborhood that’s attractive and safe… YOU want a neighborhood that’s active and engaged… YOU want to experience a feeling of community & connectedness… YOU NEED TO GET INVOLVED!
Please join US! It is a lot of fun! You are invited to make a difference by getting more involved with the Gibraltar Neighborhood Association. In January 2022, elections will be held for the GNA Board. We are seeking candidates for the board positions. The Board positions that will be open are: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two at-large board member positions. Please consider this great opportunity to make new friends, interact with civic leaders and benefit your neighborhood. THANK YOU!
Join us for some delicious brunch food and conversation. Let’s make new friends, reconnect with old friends, share uplifting news and lots of laughs!
Who: All ladies in the Gibraltar Neighborhood (you don't have to be a member of the association!)
When: Saturday, January 15, 9:00am to 11:00am
Where: Cory Peters' House, 214 5th Ave., Council Bluffs, IA 51503
>>>>Please Bring: A breakfast item to share (main dish egg casserole, coffee & tea will be provided)
>>>>RSVP: To Cory Peters via text 402-681-8344 or or email [email protected]
With the abundance of business closings and layoffs, many folks are hurting right now. The Gibraltar Neighborhood is supporting the Public Food Pantry located at Our Savior's Lutheran Church by hosting weekly food drives. Simply box or bag up your donations of non-perishable items and drop them on your front porch on SUNDAY. Then call or text Steve Gorman at 712-310-9431. He'll swing by and pick up your donation (no contact needed!!) and will deliver to the Food Pantry on Monday. We thank you for helping those in need!
Many of you will remember the successful luminaria-building event we had three years ago. Since this has been such a tough year for folks, and since we were unable to hold our normal fundraising event this year, and since it’s not advisable to host our annual neighborhood holiday party… we decided it would be a great year to do it again and to bring a bit of holiday spirit our neighborhood with the warm glow of luminarias!!
WHAT: coffee, cocoa & cookies at a socially-distanced outdoor get-together (& luminaria pick-up!)
WHEN: SUNDAY afternoon, Dec. 13th, 2020 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
WHERE: Driveway at 241 5th Avenue (corner of 5th Ave & 3rd Street)
COST #1: FREE cocoa/cookies//holiday tunes -- Stop by with your bag chair and let’s catch up! We’ll have heaters running in the garage if it’s a cold day.
COST #2: $1.00 each for luminaria bags
Luminarias are non-flammable and include the bag, sand, and a flickering battery-operated candle (it’s the same candle brand we used three years ago — and they stayed lit for weeks!!!) >>>>> GNA Members: buy 20, get 5 FREE! <<<<< You can pre-pay on the website, or pay at pick up!
Supplies are limited! Pre-order and pay for your luminaria here. Enter your payment amount and add a note indicating the quantity you want.
Prefer to email in your order? Have Questions? Email Cory at [email protected].
We have lots of homes up for sale OR recently sold (and MAN are they moving like hot-cakes... it's definitely a seller's market!). Be sure to keep an eye out and give our new neighbors a friendly welcome to Gibraltar! To our departing friends - WE WILL MISS YOU!!
Several of your Gibraltar leaders and volunteers would like to be of service. Wild and unsightly grass and weeds are proliferating between our beloved brick streets and the curbs. A team has been organized to trim this back and then stifle future unwanted growth with environmentally-friendly weed and grass killer.
We want to emphasize that we will only be trimming and treating the confluence of the curbs and streets. We will not intervene beyond that.
If you have any questions or would request that we do not treat your street/curb confluence, please contact Tom Emmett at 402-346-6734 or at [email protected]. If you would like to participate in this act of good will, please let Tom know. Together, we can make our neighborhood all
the more beautiful! Thank you.
With an abundance of caution, all future meetings and gatherings within the Gibraltar neighborhood have been postponed until such time as an "all clear" directive is delivered. We have reached out to the elderly (those of whom we know, anyway) in our 'hood and asked how we can be of help. Please take it upon yourself to safely be of service to your neighbors who may be in need!! Some of us are impacted by this more than others, as families may be struggling with a lack of income or other new challenges. PLEASE BE KIND. PLEASE BE SAFE. We look forward to the end of this situation (hopefully coming sooner rather than later!) when we can once again gather as neighbors and friends!! Thank you!
A collaboration among many different people and entities, this 100-foot wide mural highlights many of our City's famous landmarks, historical figures, and Gibraltar residents - both past and present. Located on the south side of the Pott. County Genealogical Society building on Worth Street, in between South 4th and South Main. If you haven't seen it yet, check it out! Here's a great article from the local newspaper:
And here's a nice video recognition from the Mayor!
If you've never attended the Gibraltar Quarter Auction, you're missing a really fun time!! For less than $10, you have the chance to win some really amazing items!! It's part auction, part raffle, and ALL fun! Read the August 2019 newsletter (see the "Newsletter" tab) for more specific information on how it works. But mark your calendar NOW so you don't forget... it's a blast!
When: Friday night, October 18th
Where: The American Legion Rainbow Post #2 - 716 South 4th Street, CB // Bidding Starts at 6:15pm
What: Auction/Raffle of fun items, along with inexpensinve food and cocktails provided by the Legion!
FALL PICNIC - Sunday, September 15th, 2019!
It's a potluck picnic!! Your neighborhood association will provide the yummy fried chicken, you bring a side dish or dessert to share!
When: Sunday, September 15th
Meeting time: 4:00 -- 4:30 pm || Picnic, games and socializing: 4:30 - 7:00 pm
Where: Kirn Park - at the top of 5th Avenue
BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY!! There's great playground equipment at Kirn, and we'll have fun and games with the block party trailer. LOTS of good food (Gibraltar residents are fantastic cooks!!), and a relaxing place to enjoy a fall afternoon. SEE YOU THERE!!
ICE CREAM SOCIAL & MEETING - July 10th, 2019!
In celebration of the Dodge House’s 150th Anniversary, we are hosting a special event in conjunction with our July Meeting!
When: Wednesday, July 10th
Meeting time: 5:30 — 6:00 pm || Tour & Ice Cream: 6:00—7:30 pm
Where: The Dodge House, 605 3rd Street
Your Gibraltar Neighborhood Association has made a donation to the Dodge House in honor of their momentous 150th Anniversary, and the Dodge House has kindly agreed to let our meeting attendees tour the house for free after our meeting! PLUS, before or after your house tour, enjoy a FREE ice cream treat on the Dodge House front porch, courtesy of your Gibraltar Neighborhood Association! Come to the meeting (news, discussion, voice your concerns, etc.), then tour the AMAZING Dodge House! PLUS, enjoy a summer ice cream treat while you get to know your neighbors!
FIREWORKS ORDINANCE - Follow the rules (and avoid a $250 fine!)
I think we can all agree that celebrating our Nation’s independence is a wonderful thing! And, for most folks, fireworks are a blast (literally and figuratively)! But, there are LAWS on fireworks use, and we need to observe them. Last year’s 4th of July holiday definitely presented many challenges. Gibraltar neighbors were frustrated by ongoing late night and mid-week explosions, disrupting sleep patterns and causing distress for pets and for those affected by PTSD. City-wide, the police department reported a record number of complaints. These non-compliant fireworks also pose added fire risks and property damage risks.
Neighborhood Par Officer Daniel Stuck encourages us to call 911 and REPORT these instances (whether or not you expect that police will catch culprits in the act) - - the more complaints and reports they get, the more “hard evidence” they have for the need of additional enforcements or regulations regarding fireworks rules. Also, if possible, safely record video evidence of infractions and/or perpetrators. Law enforcement is actively seeking to cite & ticket any offenders when possible, and fines are hefty (a minimum of $250!).
ALLOWED DATES for fireworks use: As of the writing of this article (late May) - the City Council had not yet decided the allowed days for fireworks use in 2019. The proposal currently being considered is for three days: July 4, 5 & 6 (Thurs/Fri/Sat), from NOON to 11:00 p.m. This is not official and is published here only to reiterate the fact that discharging fireworks at any time other than immediately around the holiday IS ILLEGAL. You may feel like it’s a harmless bit of fun, but for some people (and many animals), it is very traumatic. Should you choose to discharge fire-works during non-approved days/times, your neighbors have the right to report you. Thank you!
Celebrate our region's rich railroad heritage and all things train and track at Railroad Days 2019, July 13 and 14 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The fun-filled weekend gives families the opportunity to explore the exhibits and collections at five of the area's railroad-themed attractions, all at one low price. Available for purchase at any participating venue during the event, one $15 pass admits two adults and your dependent children or two grandparents and up to four grandchildren, for both days to five different attractions!! A $5 pass is also available for one additional adult with purchase of a family pass (limit one). This includes transportation between the different locations and all the special activities that each location has to offer. A great experience for all ages!
For more information, visit www.omaharailroaddays.com. You can purchase tickets the day of the event at any of the participating attractions:
To help keep our neighborhood beautiful, it's that time of year again for a neighborhood & trailhead cleanup! This year we will be focusing on the Fairmount Park Trailhead located at 9th Ave and High Street.
GNA will also be providing a dumpster (at the same location) for neighbors to dispose of any unwanted and/or bulky items (Please none of the following: tires, chemicals, asbestos, dump trucks full of concrete, unknown trash bags from the mob...etc). We’ll have volunteers available to come pick up and haul away. Servefest will once again be providing volunteers to our neighborhood for our annual clean up. But, WE NEED YOUR HELP TOO!
When: Saturday, May 4th from 8 AM to Noon (12 PM)
Where: Fairmount Park Trailhead at 9th Ave & High Street (Dumpster located there as well).
If you would like to volunteer and/or need assistance with hauling an item to the dumpster please contact Turner Morgan ([email protected]) or 712-310-3102.
Sunday, December 2nd: Gibraltar Neighborhood Holiday Social Potluck!!!
Where: Jim & Gary's House: 125 S. 3rd Street (North end of 3rd at High School) || 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Enjoy food, fun and camaraderie as we celebrate the season with friends and neighbors! Jim Kieffer and Gary Lopez have graciously offered their beautiful home for our get-together. Your neighborhood association will provide pulled pork sandwiches, and could you please bring a side dish or dessert to share?
PLEASE RSVP by Nov. 26th so we know how much pork to order! Contact Turner Morgan at 712-310-3102.
Friday, October 19th: FUN-draiser! Don't miss our Quarter Auction event!
Where: The American Legion Rainbow Post #2, 716 So. 4th Street || 5:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Bring the family and friends and join in the fun at our annual GNA Quarter Auction!! This is the third year we’ve held this event, and it just keeps getting better each year! There will be a wide range of items for auction, ranging in values of $10 to $30, and you could win that item you desire for mere quarters! You’ll find a variety of services & packages, food & beverage gifts, bath & beauty products, antiques, collectibles, homemade products, and so much more! There’s something for everyone!
What’s a “Quarter Auction” you ask? It sort of combines the best of both worlds… the fun and excitement of an auction, with the random chance of a lottery drawing! You have the opportunity to win great prizes without spending a lot of money! We begin the “bidding” process for each item with a description of the item, and announce the number of quarters required to participate/bid in that drawing. The number of quarters needed is based on the approximate value of the auction item itself, as follows: >> 1 quarter for $10 item value; 2 quarters for a $20 item value; 3 quarters for $30 item value.
Bidding paddles are only $5.00 each, and you can increase your odds of winning by purchasing more than one bidding paddle. We’ll explain everything in detail that evening, but rest assured it’s easy, it’s fun, it’s relatively inexpensive, and all the money you spend that night either supports the neighborhood or the American Legion! You can purchase rolls of quarters at the event, or bring your own!
FOOD & BEVERAGES will be for sale, with those proceeds supporting the American Legion. Auction proceeds support Gibraltar projects that keep our historic Neighborhood vital!

GNA finishes SECOND PLACE for National Neighborhood of the Year!
Neighborhoods, USA (NUSA) is a national non-profit organization committed to building and strengthening neighborhood organizations. Created in 1975 to share information and experiences used to build stronger communities, NUSA continues to encourage networking and information-sharing to facilitate the development of partnerships among neighborhood organizations, government and the private sector for the ultimate goal of strengthening every neighborhood. Their 41st annual conference was celebrated in Memphis, TN, on May 25-28. In February, NUSA sent out a call for entries for their national Neighborhood of the Year (NOTY) competition, asking neighborhood associations to submit an entry if they felt they had accomplished something meaningful in 2015. The Gibraltar Board discussed the possibilities and determined that 2015 was a great year of accomplishments for us, so we submitted an application, as well as an application for Best Newsletter. We found out in April that we had been selected as one of six NOTY finalists, under the category of “Social Revitalization” (there were four different NOTY categories). The other NOTY finalists were:
● Fletcher Place NA, Indianapolis, IN
● Joslyn Castle NA, Omaha, NE
● Near Eastside NA, Fort Worth, TX
● Oakhurst NA, Fort Worth, TX
● Hilltop Business Association, Tacoma, WA
As part of being a NOTY finalist, the neighborhood is asked to make a 15-minute presentation at the conference for a panel of judges, with a 5-minute Q&A afterwards. Over the course of several weeks leading up to the conference, I built, refined and rehearsed the presentation, being sure to include details about our neighborhood history, make-up, demographics, and specific information that was included in the application. I think it went really well, and more than a half-dozen strangers approached me at the conference saying they’d seen the presentation and were impressed by our neighborhood! I look forward to building a VIDEO of the presentation at some point soon, which we will post to the Gibraltar website. We also plan to make the presentation for everyone at our July meeting. I hope you’ll attend to check it out!
While I was hoping to “bring home the gold,” we in fact took SECOND PLACE as the Neighborhood of the Year in our category!! I feel great about our runner-up finish due to the fact that the neighborhood who won—Fletcher Place in Indianapolis— went on to then win Grand Champion out of all four categories. And they deserved it!! Their accomplishment in 2015 was putting on a FREE all-day concert in their neighborhood, consisting of 70 bands spread out over nine different stages!! They had over 10,000 people attend! WOWWW, talk about major work requiring hundreds of volunteers!! Anyway, I’m extremely proud of our 2nd place finish, considering all of the other great neighborhoods involved! ANNNND, our newsletter took fourth place!! The picture below shows me accepting the NOTY award on behalf of all of us, with NUSA President Andre Bernard.
I look forward to telling you more about the conference in person at our next meeting. As always, thank you for all you do in making our neighborhood a great place to live! It is only through neighbor involvement and interaction that we are able to accomplish great things!
Cory Peters, Gibraltar NA President
Many of your neighbors have volunteered their time to bring together events and meetings that are designed to inform us, entertain us, bring us together, or raise funds. Without their time and efforts, our neighborhood activities would not be nearly so successful! Members of the Gibraltar Neighborhood Association (GNA) Program and Events Committee are: Abby Jares, Turner Morgan, Mary Madison, Kat Dunham, Adrienne McElderry, Kitty Eisenauer, Cathy Hill and Ann Walters. The Committee is currently chaired by Ann and receives auxiliary assistance from Glennay Jundt and Meka Tate of Habitat for Humanity of Council Bluffs.
The Committee has held discussions and planning sessions for 2016 GNA meeting programs and activities for both fun and profit. Information regarding programs, events and activities will continue to be announced in our Rock-Talk newsletter, as well as posted on the Gibraltar Nextdoor and the GNA websites. If you have ideas or would like to volunteer to assist at any event, feel free to approach any committee member.
Here is what is under way so far:
Brunch and Banter has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 30, at Our Savior Lutheran Church (corner of Bluff and Story streets) from 10:00 until noon. Served, at no charge, will be 'make your own’ omelettes, pecan rolls, cinnamon rolls, donuts, juice and coffee. Part meeting and part social, attendees will be able catch up with neighbors and have ample time to submit ideas, suggestions or concerns. These will be collected, categorized and several will be selected for discussion that day. We hope to continue discussions of these items throughout the year. It is the Committee's hope that this practice will generate interest, keep neighbors informed, and help everyone feel more connected to what is happening in the Gibraltar Neighborhood.
The May 18 General GNA Meeting (6:00-8:00 at same church site) will have a panel from established Omaha neighborhood associations. To date, John Williams, representing historic Hanscom Park, and Adam Langdon, representing historic Dundee-Memorial Park, will be presenting, with a Question and Answer session to follow. Topics to be covered are neighborhood engagement, successful activities to get neighbors out, projects and partnerships that led to neighborhood improvement, communication, and funding sources. We hope to have a good turnout to hear Williams and Langdon describe what is and has been successful in their neighborhoods.
The July 20 General GNA Meeting program will focus on Neighborhood safety issues.
The Committee is planning Lumminary Making events with the goal of having our neighborhood lit up on Christmas Eve. We are also planning a repeat fundraising event with Wreath and Poinsettia purchase from Loess Hills Floral as it was quite successful for us.
We are in preliminary planning discussions about hosting an auction event in the summer, as well as a Fall Soup Supper with a Soup R Bowl Challenge.
Call for Books!
The use of GNA’s “Little Free Library” is going great! We have seen a substantial uptake in the books being used! If you have borrowed books, please remember to return them to the little library when finished! We are currently reaching the end of our inventory, so if you have extra books on hand that you would be willing to donate (children’s books, too!), please contact Jeff Ketcham (712-310-2031) to arrange a drop-off or pickup. THANK YOU!
GNA Garden Flags!
If you are a NEW paid member to the Gibraltar Neighborhood Association, as part of your initial membership dues you get a free GNA garden flag and holder! If you haven’t received one already, contact Tom Emmett (402-346-6734) or Cory Peters (712-329-8526) and we’ll make sure you get one. Or, if your old GNA flag faded or torn, you can purchase a new replacement flag for only $7.00!! Or if you need a replacement flag holder, you can purchase that for only $6.00! Contact Tom or Cory at the numbers show above.
Neighborhoods, USA (NUSA) is a national non-profit organization committed to building and strengthening neighborhood organizations. Created in 1975 to share information and experiences used to build stronger communities, NUSA continues to encourage networking and information-sharing to facilitate the development of partnerships among neighborhood organizations, government and the private sector for the ultimate goal of strengthening every neighborhood. Their 41st annual conference was celebrated in Memphis, TN, on May 25-28. In February, NUSA sent out a call for entries for their national Neighborhood of the Year (NOTY) competition, asking neighborhood associations to submit an entry if they felt they had accomplished something meaningful in 2015. The Gibraltar Board discussed the possibilities and determined that 2015 was a great year of accomplishments for us, so we submitted an application, as well as an application for Best Newsletter. We found out in April that we had been selected as one of six NOTY finalists, under the category of “Social Revitalization” (there were four different NOTY categories). The other NOTY finalists were:
● Fletcher Place NA, Indianapolis, IN
● Joslyn Castle NA, Omaha, NE
● Near Eastside NA, Fort Worth, TX
● Oakhurst NA, Fort Worth, TX
● Hilltop Business Association, Tacoma, WA
As part of being a NOTY finalist, the neighborhood is asked to make a 15-minute presentation at the conference for a panel of judges, with a 5-minute Q&A afterwards. Over the course of several weeks leading up to the conference, I built, refined and rehearsed the presentation, being sure to include details about our neighborhood history, make-up, demographics, and specific information that was included in the application. I think it went really well, and more than a half-dozen strangers approached me at the conference saying they’d seen the presentation and were impressed by our neighborhood! I look forward to building a VIDEO of the presentation at some point soon, which we will post to the Gibraltar website. We also plan to make the presentation for everyone at our July meeting. I hope you’ll attend to check it out!
While I was hoping to “bring home the gold,” we in fact took SECOND PLACE as the Neighborhood of the Year in our category!! I feel great about our runner-up finish due to the fact that the neighborhood who won—Fletcher Place in Indianapolis— went on to then win Grand Champion out of all four categories. And they deserved it!! Their accomplishment in 2015 was putting on a FREE all-day concert in their neighborhood, consisting of 70 bands spread out over nine different stages!! They had over 10,000 people attend! WOWWW, talk about major work requiring hundreds of volunteers!! Anyway, I’m extremely proud of our 2nd place finish, considering all of the other great neighborhoods involved! ANNNND, our newsletter took fourth place!! The picture below shows me accepting the NOTY award on behalf of all of us, with NUSA President Andre Bernard.
I look forward to telling you more about the conference in person at our next meeting. As always, thank you for all you do in making our neighborhood a great place to live! It is only through neighbor involvement and interaction that we are able to accomplish great things!
Cory Peters, Gibraltar NA President
Many of your neighbors have volunteered their time to bring together events and meetings that are designed to inform us, entertain us, bring us together, or raise funds. Without their time and efforts, our neighborhood activities would not be nearly so successful! Members of the Gibraltar Neighborhood Association (GNA) Program and Events Committee are: Abby Jares, Turner Morgan, Mary Madison, Kat Dunham, Adrienne McElderry, Kitty Eisenauer, Cathy Hill and Ann Walters. The Committee is currently chaired by Ann and receives auxiliary assistance from Glennay Jundt and Meka Tate of Habitat for Humanity of Council Bluffs.
The Committee has held discussions and planning sessions for 2016 GNA meeting programs and activities for both fun and profit. Information regarding programs, events and activities will continue to be announced in our Rock-Talk newsletter, as well as posted on the Gibraltar Nextdoor and the GNA websites. If you have ideas or would like to volunteer to assist at any event, feel free to approach any committee member.
Here is what is under way so far:
Brunch and Banter has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 30, at Our Savior Lutheran Church (corner of Bluff and Story streets) from 10:00 until noon. Served, at no charge, will be 'make your own’ omelettes, pecan rolls, cinnamon rolls, donuts, juice and coffee. Part meeting and part social, attendees will be able catch up with neighbors and have ample time to submit ideas, suggestions or concerns. These will be collected, categorized and several will be selected for discussion that day. We hope to continue discussions of these items throughout the year. It is the Committee's hope that this practice will generate interest, keep neighbors informed, and help everyone feel more connected to what is happening in the Gibraltar Neighborhood.
The May 18 General GNA Meeting (6:00-8:00 at same church site) will have a panel from established Omaha neighborhood associations. To date, John Williams, representing historic Hanscom Park, and Adam Langdon, representing historic Dundee-Memorial Park, will be presenting, with a Question and Answer session to follow. Topics to be covered are neighborhood engagement, successful activities to get neighbors out, projects and partnerships that led to neighborhood improvement, communication, and funding sources. We hope to have a good turnout to hear Williams and Langdon describe what is and has been successful in their neighborhoods.
The July 20 General GNA Meeting program will focus on Neighborhood safety issues.
The Committee is planning Lumminary Making events with the goal of having our neighborhood lit up on Christmas Eve. We are also planning a repeat fundraising event with Wreath and Poinsettia purchase from Loess Hills Floral as it was quite successful for us.
We are in preliminary planning discussions about hosting an auction event in the summer, as well as a Fall Soup Supper with a Soup R Bowl Challenge.
Call for Books!
The use of GNA’s “Little Free Library” is going great! We have seen a substantial uptake in the books being used! If you have borrowed books, please remember to return them to the little library when finished! We are currently reaching the end of our inventory, so if you have extra books on hand that you would be willing to donate (children’s books, too!), please contact Jeff Ketcham (712-310-2031) to arrange a drop-off or pickup. THANK YOU!
GNA Garden Flags!
If you are a NEW paid member to the Gibraltar Neighborhood Association, as part of your initial membership dues you get a free GNA garden flag and holder! If you haven’t received one already, contact Tom Emmett (402-346-6734) or Cory Peters (712-329-8526) and we’ll make sure you get one. Or, if your old GNA flag faded or torn, you can purchase a new replacement flag for only $7.00!! Or if you need a replacement flag holder, you can purchase that for only $6.00! Contact Tom or Cory at the numbers show above.

Check out the NEW NEIGHBORHOOD BANNERS as you are driving around Gibraltar!! What a great way to let visitors know they are in a beautiful, HISTORIC neighborhood... and it helps to define our (large!) Gibraltar boundaries!! Thanks so much to everyone who assisted with this project (read the article in the Dec. 2015 newsletter for specifics), and particularly for the Pottawatomie County Community Foundation (PCCF), whose generous grant provided 80% of the money to fund the sizable expense! On to our next project!
Pictured at left:
Cory Peters, Gibraltar Neighborhood Association President and
Gerry Mathiasen, President & CEO of PCCF
Pictured at left:
Cory Peters, Gibraltar Neighborhood Association President and
Gerry Mathiasen, President & CEO of PCCF